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News from the Soul Sister's Station

Thursday, October 21st, 2021, marked our second Soul Sisters meeting at our new location. Approximately 130 women of Oakdale and surrounding communities met in the sanctuary for a power-packed evening of praise and worship, ticket give-away, meet and greet, and a pertinent, heart-provoking messages by guest speakers and our Pastor’s wife, Jane Willis. Each lady received a miniature flashlight labeled “Be the Light”.

A group of advocates against human trafficking were honored guest speakers in the service. . The founder gave an astounding presentation on the work he is involved in regarding human trafficking. He presented information on the bone-chilling situations of people involved in these heinous crimes, be it solicitor or victim, and how this sort of activity takes place right here in our very own state of Louisiana; most assuredly as close as our own back yards. Our hearts were touched all the more as we listened to a survivor of human trafficking, give a first-hand account of being taken captive as a young teenager, and what a horrifying experience it was. In conclusion, our Pastor’s wife set forth a gut-twisting plea and mandate: “We as Christian women, must step up to the plate in the fight against this dastardly evil. It is too well hidden and we remain unmoved by these ugly situations because they do not affect us ‘personally’. God gave the commandment to ‘go out’ and reach a lost and dying world and we have failed the test if we do not act in some way!”

The meeting concluded with specific and intentional prayer over every aspect of human trafficking.

A table was set in the foyer, with take-away materials on awareness and how everyone can join in the fight! If you wonder how anything you could do would make any difference, please email


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