I used to think that hope was a fragile, vague feeling that traveled around with other uncertain words like “maybe” and “perhaps”. It seemed to me that when people, with their drooping countenance and wavering voice said, “I hope so”, they were at an all-time low, and that was much too weak a shoulder to lean on. I needed something more…more like a guaranteed, “I know so.” But, so many appeared completely at ease with just hope.
So, realizing that I must have missed something important, I started searching for a broader understanding of the concept. My dictionary defined hope as trust and reliance. Relying meant placing faith or confidence in. Faith (to the redeemed) translated as faith in God. Eureka! I found my guarantee! A heavenly one at that!
To hope in “God that cannot lie” (Titus 1:2) and who, therefore always kept His promises, was not vague or fragile, but rather, rock solid and unfailing! Hope in friends had always been disappointing because flesh could fail. Fame has always been fickle and riches rusted and decayed, but GOD never changed, (Hebrews 13:8) Jesus Christ the same yesterday, and today, and forever). Since God was (is, and ever shall be) my rock, strong tower, friend deliverer, and savior; hope (in God) suddenly became like soaring among the clouds with eagle’s wings.
(Romans 5:5) And hope maketh not ashamed; because the love of God is shed (scattered, diffused) abroad (over a wide area) in our hearts by the Holy Ghost. Well, I saw the light and with a revised and improved perspective, I took my Bible-based HOPE straight to the Bank of Blessed Assurance. After all, declaring, “I hope so” was the same thing as decreeing, “I believe God!”
So, what is hope? A top notch, done deal of a sure thing - that’s what hope is!
Rosalia & husband Ronnie moved from SW Kentucky in January, 2016 to become members of Christ Church. They have served God together for 45 years in music ministry. Rosalia has always enjoyed writing and has composed numerous short stories, poems and songs.